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Customs rates

Customs rates

Customs rates

By customs rates, exporters and importers involved in customs procedures understand customs percentages. When calculating customs rates or percentages of goods, the customs authorities take as a basis the product's HS code, each code has its own customs rate.

Each imported product and product group has its own HS code, which is more useful to those involved in customs processes under the name of customs codes. It is these codes or codes that later serve as the basis for determining customs rates.

The HS code is the product nomenclature of the foreign economic activity of the Cooperation of Independent States. HS codes are determined by the exact and detailed description of the product. If the importer, the declarant, presents and describes the goods imported by him with certain errors, then it is very likely that the HS code will be wrong, which will cause problems in the customs authorities. Here it is not only a matter of making a mistake when determining customs rates, but of the application of certain punishments by the customs authorities, even confiscation of goods in some cases.

Thus, the customs rate is the customs duties that the importer is obliged to pay to the state when importing goods. Moreover, customs duties are either based on percentages, or some fixed value is set. Which of these will be used depends on the product, its type, features and custom codes.

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