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Features of food cargo shipping

Food shipping

Features of food cargo shipping

Features of food cargo shipping: have you ever thought about how much the green and juicy apple has traveled before reaching your table and be available just for you? Apple, strawberry, peach, crab, dairy products ․․․ these and many other products are always found on airplanes, large cars or ships of the shipping company. It isn’t a secret that the transportation of products requires special conditions. There are a lot of risks when transporting products - ranging from inappropriate packaging to the wrong transportation temperature. Let's illustrate some factors, that must be taken into consideration during the food shipping
· Fruits, vegetables, bakery products, dairy products - these are the products that need to be transported as quickly as possible. These products deteriorate very quickly, therefore, the shipping company, in addition to having to transport them under special conditions, must also be in time to the final point as soon as possible.
· When the proper packaging and transport conditions are not followed, the risk of contamination of the product by bacteria and fungi increases. And this poses a real threat to health. Shipping companies must pay special attention to the preservation, packaging, conditions of transportation of the product, to ensure that they are safe and hygiene rules are observed. · Seafood, meat products: these and other similar products require refrigerated shipping conditions. Consequently, shipping companies must ensure that the transport temperature during the transportation is relevant. Only under conditions of the right temperature is it possible to keep the product fresh, and also prevent it from losing its original appearance. Especially for manufacturers, the biggest risk is the loss of the presentation of the product. The product can be damaged, lose its presentation and become unusable for sale and use. Thus, before a fresh green apple reaches the store shelves, it is first stored in warehouses, carefully placed in cargo boxes or other means of transportation, transported in special temperature conditions, then shipped and only after that it receives to you.
You see, what a long way.

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