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How to become a customs broker

How to become a customs broker

How to become a customs broker

You will find the answer to the question of how to become a customs broker today with our help. We think that those who are interested in customs processes are looking for the answer to the question of how to become a customs broker. And they also have knowledge and skills on the activities of customs personalities, customs clearance of goods.

When you are looking for the answer to the question of becoming a customs broker, first of all you should understand what are the main functions of a customs broker, who is a customs broker.

We have singled out some of the main functions of a customs broker. The customs broker carries out customs clearance and helps to prepare the necessary documentation package during the customs clearance of goods. The customs broker provides advice about customs procedures. The most important is the customs broker or customs mediator acts with the instruction of the personalities who ships goods by their own names.

There are legal procedures that you will definitely go through to become a customs broker.

• No matter how well you know the customs clearance process, you cannot provide customs broker services if you do not have the qualification of a customs specialist.

• If you want to receive this qualification from the RA State Revenue Committee, you must have RA citizenship.

• The relations of the customs broker and its client are regulated by the RA Civil Code.

• A contract is concluded between the customer and customs broker.

• The customs broker carries out the customs processes at the expense of the client's financial means.

Remember that the activities of a customs broker are under the direct control of the law. This is how "customs brokers" and those who use their services are protected.

If you decided to pass through all these procedures and become customer broker, let’s speak about the options to pay you. About the options to pay you. The customs broker can be paid according to the customs cleared cargo and the complexity of its customs clearance. How can he claim a fixed fee for his services?

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