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Most exported products

Most exported products

Most exported products

When listing the most exported products, we should note that their list in our country has been unchanged for several years. Observing the export data of the last years, we singled out the most exported products.

In recent years, the largest group of products exported from Armenia continues to be mineral raw materials, in particular, copper concentrate and molybdenum concentrate. This is natural for our country, because the mining industry is in a more profitable position than many branches of the economy. By the way, when we consider which group of goods exported the most in terms of money, the "lion's share" goes to mining.

Ready-made food products are also exported from Armenia.

• Alcohol and tobacco have their stable place in the list of exported products.

. When listing the most exported products, we cannot forget about precious and semi-precious stones and metals. Diamonds and gold are also included in this product group, which is also exported in the form of ingots with silver. Jewellery and ornaments are also exported.
• The next largest group of goods exported from Armenia are non-precious metals and articles made from them.

• Products of vegetable origin usually appear in the top five major exported product groups. Fruit and vegetables should be understood under this.

The goods exported from Armenia, of course, do not end with this list. This list also includes ՝

* animals and animal products
* oils and fats of animal and vegetable origin
* products of chemistry and related industries
* plastics and products made of them, rubber and rubber products
* raw materials for leather, leather, fur and products made from them
* wood and wood products
* paper and paper products
* textile products shoes, hats, umbrellas
* objects made of stone, gypsum, cement
* textiles: clothing, fabrics, cotton, threads
•machinery, equipment and mechanisms
* land, air and water transport
* instruments and equipment
* various industrial goods
* works of art

The goods exported from Armenia are not limited to the specified ones, however, they are considered the most exported goods from our country. Do you want to export goods, are you looking for a transport company?

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