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How customs clearance of goods of individuals is carried out

How customs clearance of goods of individuals is carried out

How customs clearance of goods of individuals is carried out

How is customs clearance of individuals' cargo carried out and what are the procedures? If you decide to transport goods as an individual, they are usually items for personal use.

Classification of goods transported across the border of the Customs Union as goods for personal use is carried out based on several criteria. In particular, according to the oral or written application of an individual, using the passenger customs declaration. Considering the goods for personal use also depends on their nature and quantity, as well as on the frequency of the natural person crossing the customs border of the Union and moving the goods across the customs border of the Union by that person or at his address.

However, the loads of individuals are not always for personal use. There are loads that can be formulated as loads of a commercial nature, for example intended for sale. In this case, these cargoes are already cleared by a different procedure. A natural person must complete a goods declaration, clearing the cargo through the same procedures as legal entities.

In general, taking into account the cargo transported by individuals and their nature, customs processes provide for the following. The two-way system can be used in places where goods are transported across the customs border of the Union. The "Green" track is a specially designated place in the places of transportation along the customs border of the Union, which is intended for the transportation of such goods for personal use in luggage accompanied by the customs border of the Union, which are not subject to customs declaration. The "Red" lane is a specially designated place in the places of transportation of goods across the customs border of the Union, which is intended for transporting such goods for personal use in luggage accompanied by the customs border of the Union, which are subject to customs declaration. As well as such goods for which a customs declaration is carried out at the request of an individual.

Customs brokers will also professionally explain the answer to the question of how the customs clearance of cargo of individuals is carried out. A customs broker will help you organize the customs clearance of your cargo as an individual, guide you to understand the nature of the cargo and prepare for customs procedures.

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