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Sea freight

Sea freight

Sea freight

Sea freight is one of the oldest and the most profitable ways to transport goods around the world. International cargo shippers are well aware that sea cargo transportation is more preferable economically. It comes out that more than 90% of the goods transported in the world are being transported by sea freight.

What is the difference between sea and other types of cargo transportations? What are the main advantages? Here are some of them․

Saving money: Sea cargo transportation offers the most competitive freight rates, especially over long distances. In comparison, the costs of sea cargo transportation last 4-6 times less than air cargo transportation.

Efficient transportation: Regardless of the cargo size, shipping companies can meet and satisfy your needs. Smaller loads can be grouped with other loads to fill the container, which will allow you to share the cost of transport services. The main advantage of sea cargo transportation is that shipping companies have the ability to transport very large or heavy cargo - vehicles, equipment, construction materials.

Security. Cargo ships are designed to transport hazardous materials and hazardous cargo safely. Sea shipping companies follow safety rules, seal containers and lock them for extra protection.

There are several types of ships carrying sea cargo. For example, there are ships that are designed to transport large quantities of unpacked "dry" cargo, such as ore, grain, minerals, etc.

There are common cargo ships that have been mass-produced during World War II. These multifunctional ships are designed to carry a variety of cargo.

Container ships carry out sea cargo transportation too. These ships can hold a certain number of containers.

Brokers. am website allows you to find many international cargo transportation companies in one platform, which will carry out sea freight in a very profitable, quick, and reliable way. We make sea cargo transportation more efficient and smarter.

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