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Cargo shipping from Turkey

Cargo shipping from Turkey

Cargo shipping from Turkey

Cargo shipping from Turkey is carried out by more than a hundred countries of the world. The list of these countries includes those that are Turkey's main trading partners.

For example, Germany imported more than $ 19 billion from this country in 2021, the United States - about 15 billion, the United Kingdom -13 billion, Italy and Iraq -11 billion.

When carrying out cargo shipping from Turkey, precious stones, precious metals, knitted clothing, mineral fuel, iron or steel products, plastic products, equipment, etc. are exported in large volumes.

The Armenian-Turkish trade turnover has a rather interesting picture. RA acts mainly as an importer. Instead, there is no demand for Armenian goods in Turkey.

Before the ban on the import of some goods from Turkey in 2020, when about 700 items of goods were temporarily banned from entering Armenia, there was a clear digital picture of imports.

Thus, according to official statistics, in 2010-2020 Armenia imported goods from Turkey for $137-270 million annually:

Despite the fact that Turkey accounted for about 5% of imports to Armenia, however, there are some imported goods in which the share of imports from Turkey reaches 90%. for example, knitted wallpaper, cotton fabrics, citrus fruits, aluminium rods, etc.:

Mainly finished goods of final consumption were imported to Armenia, which accounted for about 80% of imports. The remaining 20% are intermediate consumer goods-raw materials.
Armenia also imported a large number of fruits and vegetables from Turkey. For example, citrus fruits, tomatoes, cucumbers, potatoes, etc.

During 2021, cargo shipping from Turkey was carried out to deliver mainly several items of goods to Armenia. They are՝

* Equipment, nuclear reactors, boilers - $ 11.32 million
* Knitted or woven fabric 8.86 million dollars
* Wood and wood products, charcoal 8.62 million dollars
* Aluminium $ 8.13 million
* Plastic $ 5.83 million
* Cotton 3.58 million dollars
* Various base metal products 2.83 million dollars

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