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Shipping to Africa

Shipping to Africa

Shipping to Africa

Cargo transportation to Africa is carried out by dozens of countries of the world. Among them, Africa and African countries have the closest trade relations with the countries of the European Union, China, the United Kingdom and India. Although various products are exported from the continent of Africa, Africa presents itself to the world mainly as an exporter of gold and salt.

Among the various imported goods, Africa and the countries of this continent mostly import vehicles. They are vehicles intended for the middle class, mostly used. They are imported from China and Japan.

Cargo transportation to Africa is also carried out to deliver computers and computer equipment to the countries of this continent. The most developed countries of Africa have a demand for them.

Medicines and pharmaceutical products are also imported, mainly from China and India.

African countries also import food. The rate of population growth and the lack of own production make the import of food a necessity.

Electronics are also imported. By the way, Africa imports 8 out of 10 electronic products from Asia.

Armenia also has economic relations with African countries and carries out cargo transportation to Africa. These countries include Sudan, South Africa, Libya, Kenya, Nigeria, Zimbabwe, Egypt, Ghana, Algeria, etc.

Armenia has the most visible results in the economic relations with South Africa and Sudan in terms of export volumes. Armenia exports alcoholic beverages, vinegar, rubbers, tobacco products, organic chemicals, cotton clothing, scarves. Also plastic items, soaps, ointments, candles.

A larger number of products are imported from Africa. Among them are pearls, precious stones, metals, coins, animals, plastic, citrus fruits, fertilizers, paper, cellulose. Stone, gypsum, cement, furniture, seeds, essential oils, cotton, wool, wood are also imported.

RA imports the largest number of products from South Africa and Egypt. It should also be noted that the Armenian-African trade relations are not so developed and the imported and exported goods do not make up very large percentages in the total trade balance.

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