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International cargo transportation documents

transportation documents

International cargo transportation documents

All international import and export transactions are based on essential documents. International cargo transportation is not possible without the availability of relevant documents.

Here are some of the documents related to international cargo transportation

1 ․ Invoice - Comes to the sale of goods from the seller to the buyer. In international freight, invoices are often used by governments to determine the actual value of goods when assessing customs duties.

2 ․ CMR Invoice - A transport document that is most widely used in international road freight. The sender, the carrier, and the recipient are indicated here. It is confirmed that the cargo was in good condition at the time of acceptance և the marking and the number of pieces corresponds to the consignment.

3 ․ CMR Invoice - A transport document that is widely used in international road freight. The forwarder, the carrier, and the recipient are indicated here. It is confirmed that the cargo was in good condition, and the number of pieces corresponds to the consignment at the time of taking it.

4 ․ Airway Bill - Air freight refers to the acceptance of cargo for air cargo transportation.

5 . Generic Certificate of Origin - Certificate of Origin is required by some countries for all or some products during international shipping. This important document confirms that the exported products are completely acquired, produced, and processed in a particular country, representing the "nationality" of the product.

6 ․ Packing List - This international cargo transportation document indicates the seller, buyer, supplier, invoice number, shipping method, carrier, cargo content, type of packaging, etc.

7․ Bill of Lading - A contract between the owner of the goods and the carrier. In international cargo transportation, it can serve as an example as a receipt for the shipment of products.

8 ․ Hazardous Products Certificate - The International Air Transport Association (IATA), while defining the list of dangerous products, requires their international cargo to be accompanied by the relevant documents.

9 . Export Licenses - This is a state document that allows you to export for specific purposes in case of any special needs.

10 . Import License - Import licenses are the importer's responsibility that depends on the destination and load of the product.

11 ․ Material Safety Data Sheet - An international cargo transportation document that contains information about the potential hazards of certain cargoes (eg, fire, reactivity).

Brokers. am website allows you to find many international cargo transportation companies in one platform, which will carry out your post shipping in a very profitable, quick, and reliable way. We make international cargo shipping efficient, productive, and smart.

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