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Types of trucks

Types of trucks

Types of trucks

Types of trucks: Do you know, that there are over 15 million trucks all over the world and only 6% of their drivers are women? And it seems not so surprising: to drive huge trucks is not very "feminine". So, we can say that have their own types and characteristics, depending on the transported cargo.
Below we present 5 types of cargo shipping machines:
1․Trucks with an open or flat rack don’t have tops or sides. Such machines are intended for the transportation of large and heavy loads. Among the goods shipped by such machines, we can separate building materials, cars, etc. What about the trucks with a flat roof rack, the shipping process is simpler. Totally, these trucks can transport about 19,000 kg. cargo.
2․ "Box" trucks are named so, due to their appearance. At first glance, their trunk looks like a box or a cube. Such machines are used for shipping equipment, furniture, food, etc.
3. A truck with a refrigerated trunk is designed to transport perishable goods. This cargo shipping machines are equipped with a temperature adjustment functioning. Such trucks are intended for transportation of food, medicine, drinks and other goods that are perishable or quickly lose their expire date. By the way, these trucks use more fuel than other types of.
4․ Cars with closed luggage racks are the most popular. These trucks are not equipped with the ability to adjust the temperature, instead - during transportation with a closed trunk, the goods are protected from various types of external damage. These trucks are suitable for transporting packaged goods, cars, heavy goods.
5․ Another type of trucks is a car with a tank luggage. These trucks with a cylindrical tank are intended for the transport of liquids and gases, such as milk, juices, wine, chemical liquids, etc. Depending on the type of liquid transported, the tank can be equipped with the ability to adjust the temperature.
By the way, the longest truck in the world is located in Australia, its length is 54.5 m.
The website gives you the opportunity to find on one site many international cargo shipping companies that transport your cargo profitably, quickly and reliably. We make cargo shipping efficient and smart.

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