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What to do, when the cargo is damaged?

The cargo is damaged

What to do, when the cargo is damaged?

What to do when the cargo is damaged? - physical damage, pollution, penetration of foreign objects into the cargo, moisture - these are some of the probable risks that can threaten the cargo during its’ shipment.
Cargo shipment, be it sea, land, or air, is subject to a variety of environmental factors. No matter how much the shipping company tries to organize cargo transportation possibly safely, however the risks exist. There are some possible situations and incidents out of human control.
So, what to do when the cargo is damaged during shipment? Below are some steps to help you in these situations:
· We make a set of documents - In addition to the basic documents – concerning the cargo, it is imperative to attach a photo of the damaged cargo. Photos must show not only the packaging or appearance of the damaged cargo, but also - the damaged goods. You must also take pictures of the cargo boxes, especially if they are also damaged. Photographs are needed to confirm that the cargo was damaged during shipment. They will be needed when you bring a claim against the carrier for damages.
Applying to the insurance company - If, after receiving the cargo, the damage is obvious, you must immediately inform such a company, which is engaged in cargo insurance. The company will most probably provide you with the procedure, which is necessary for obtaining compensation.
If necessary, you need to involve a specialist researcher - to identify the causes of damaged goods, you can use the services of specialists to represent the damage. These independent specialists have high awareness about the causes of cargo damage and possible risks. They can notice suck kind of facts, that a no-specialist probably is not able to notice. The opinions of specialists can further help you in obtaining compensation.
Time is so expensive - it is necessary to organize the process of obtaining compensation for damaged goods as quickly as possible, the sooner you submit a claim, the more probably you can receive financial compensation.
Another advice - try to understand as much as possible the damage caused to the cargo. As much as possible, scrupulously study the damaged goods, their condition, maybe it is possible to use partially the damaged goods, or they can be used after repair.
The website gives you the opportunity to find on one site many international cargo shipment companies that transport your cargo profitably, quickly and reliably. We make cargo shipment efficient and smart.

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