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Railway cargo shipment

Railway cargo shipment

Railway cargo shipment

Railway cargo shipment – Nowadays, railway cargo shipment is considered as one of the safest solutions. By time it has mostly improved, the latest technologies and solutions have been introduced.
Below we introduce 5 features, as well as advantages that make railway cargo shipment demanded and irreplaceable.
1. Railway cargo shipment is environmentally pure - Nowadays, concern for our planet is more than important. Railway cargo shipment differs from the rest of the transportation options for the low level of hazardous emissions. From an environmental point of view, railway cargo shipment is an excellent transport option compared to both - air and sea shipment. The indicators of CO2 emissions - carbon dioxide of various types of cargo shipment make it possible to consider railway cargo shipment as the least harmful to nature of all types of cargo shipment. For example, sea freight between China and Northern Europe emits more than 139 tons of CO2 for sea freight - 77 tons of CO2. At the same time, in the implementation of railway shipment - only five tons of CO2. 2. Railway shipment is fast and reliable – In comparison with sea shipment, railway shipment is a fast and highly reliable means of transportation, that requires the shortest possible time. For example, if the sea freight lasts six weeks, then the railway shipment will require half less. This is especially beneficial for the transportation of quick consumed goods, when there is an aim to perform the shipment as soon as possible.
3. Lower Risks – railway shipment is also a low-risk means of transport, unlike to road and sea shipments, which are enforced to traffic jams and bad weather. Few things can get in the way of the railroad, which also reduces the probable danger of delays.
4. The ability to track cargo transportation using GPS - the implementation of the GPS system in trains and with its help tracking cargo transportation support avoiding losses and robbery.
5. Rail freight is economical - the implementation of railway shipment is comparatively profitable and requires less costs than other types of shipment.
The website gives you the opportunity to find on one site many international cargo shipment companies that transport your cargo profitably, quickly and reliably. We make cargo shipment efficient and smart.

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